The quickest way to contact VCMS about your complaint, or to ask a question about the care and service you have received from your vet, is to complete our online complaint form.
We can access complaints by post at: Veterinary Client Mediation Service, 6 Market Square, Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire, CM23 3UZ
Please note it may take 10 days from receipt of your correspondence for our Team to contact you.
If you have any questions please call us on 0345 040 5834 and press option 1.
We can only mediate complaints which have already been raised with the veterinary practice in writing. However, we will make exceptions where there are extenuating circumstances preventing a client from doing so.
If you would like information on how to complete the form, or would like the form in another language, please contact
The VCMS is currently able to receive complaint details in the following languages:
At the present time we are unable to conduct mediation in languages other than English, but we will offer help in finding translation assistance.